Resin impregnated wood runabout boat kit
Resin impregnated wood runabout boat kit

My 13-year-old daughter Kyla and I built an RB14 boat for her since “boatbuilding with dad” has become a recent tradition in our family. The tumblehome stern, faux planked decks, and broad covering boards will turn heads at the ramp and get a thumbs-up from motorists on the highway. At only 14′ long, the RB14 will never be mistaken for a restoration of a grand runabout that regularly wins awards at wooden boat shows, but it is no slouch in the looks department.

resin impregnated wood runabout boat kit

The RB14 would look right at home in a 1950s DIY magazine, and in fact that is exactly where Jacques found some of the inspiration for the design. Kerfs in the aft ends of the side panels make the compound curves at the stern possible. He was an early adopter of CAD, and quickly made the transition to CNC-cut kits so Jacques could spend more time designing boats while the team at the shop manages the business of cutting kits, supplying materials, and supporting backyard builders. Schooled in Belgium in yacht design, he has created a considerable stable of boat designs. Jacques has been building and designing boats for most of his life. The Runabout 14 (RB14) designed by Jacques Mertens-Goossens of is one such craft.

resin impregnated wood runabout boat kit

Obtaining a genuine classic isn’t going to be in the cards for everyone, but there is an alternative that blends their style with modern affordable construction and just the right amount of whimsy. There is something magical about the classic styling of decked runabouts that ushers us back to an earlier, more elegant era.

Resin impregnated wood runabout boat kit