Dayz launcher rust servers
Dayz launcher rust servers

dayz launcher rust servers

An entire night would pass in 3 hours. Thus, in case it is set to 4 and serverTimeAcceleration is set to 2, night time would move 8 times faster than normal. serverNightTimeAcceleration = 1 // Accelerated Nigh Time - The numerical value being a multiplier (0.1-64) and also multiplied by serverTimeAcceleration value.

dayz launcher rust servers

Thus, in case it is set to 24, time would move 24 times faster than normal. serverTimeAcceleration = 1 // Accelerated Time - The numerical value being a multiplier (0.1-64). Another possibility is to set the time to some value in "YYYY/MM/DD/HH/MM" format, e.g "/17/23". "SystemTime" means the local time of the machine.

#Dayz launcher rust servers .exe

exe revision as the server (value 0-1) disableVoN = 0 // Enable/disable voice over network (value 0-1) vonCodecQuality = 20 // Voice over network codec quality, the higher the better (values 0-30) disable3rdPerson = 0 // Toggles the 3rd person view for players (value 0-1) disableCrosshair = 0 // Toggles the cross-hair (value 0-1) serverTime = "SystemTime" // Initial in-game time of the server. (only 2 is supported) forceSameBuild = 1 // When enabled, the server will allow the connection only to clients with same the. Hostname = "EXAMPLE NAME" // Server name password = "" // Password to connect to the server passwordAdmin = "" // Password to become a server admin enableWhitelist = 0 // Enable/disable whitelist (value 0-1) maxPlayers = 60 // Maximum amount of players verifySignatures = 2 // Verifies.

Dayz launcher rust servers